January 23, 2010
I want to end this blog on a very positive note. On September 17, 2010, my son was born. A birth mom selected my husband and me in late July. We met her in August and were able to share several outings with her before our baby was born 10 days early. She is an amazing young woman.
DH and I were able to establish a relationship with her that we hope will last a lifetime. We send her pictures and letters monthly and will visit her at least once a year. She recently sent our son presents for Christmas. All of us have the best interest of our son at heart. What works best for him will work for all of us.
Moving forward with our plan to adopt began during my grief of miscarriages and failed cycles. My journey to become a mother took me the the very pit of hell. Most of the time I wondered how I was going to make it through the day let alone the long process of adoption. I just knew in my heart that I was meant to be a mother. My spirits were so low that I prepared myself to not bond immediately with my baby and to possibly have post-adoption depression. I was wrong on both accounts.
Seeing my son for the first time I felt joy. I felt whole. I felt normal. I was suddenly exactly were I was suppose to be. I accepted my infertility because it allowed this gorgeous little boy to enter my life.
And he was certainly worth the wait.
Happy New Year to you! Please do not give up on your dream to parent. It is amazing!
Aidan's Mom
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
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